tirsdag 10. februar 2015

The technology today

In this text I’m going to write about the developing of the technology in the society. I’m mainly going to work around the quote “Modern digital technology is a blessing and the only way forward” Is this true? Is it a way back? Are the society developing too quick? I’m going to give my opinion around this as well as include information about it.

Firstly, the fact that technology are developing quick in our society, causes both good and bad values in our everyday-life. To look at the positive side first, it’s getting easier and easier to live our lives, we have the opportunity to buy a dress for the weekend in the lunch break at work without even leaving the office. If we are wondering about something, we can look it up at the internet in a few seconds almost no matter where we are. We can order food at home, that someone make and drive to our doorstep, the possibilities are endless.
Even though the life are getting easier to live, doesn’t mean that it’s affecting us in every positive way possible. This leads us to a lazier life with less activity in the everyday when it comes everyday tasks. But, the technology are not just affecting us, the world have to pay a big prize for this too, we are polluting a lot which break down our earth, piece by piece. Instead of going to a local shop and by the things we need, we drive to a mall, order on the internet and even fly to another city in a different country just to get products cheaper. We are gradually rubbing away the smaller societies and making bigger cities.

If we think about the quote “Modern digital technology is a blessing and the only way forward” as true on the one hand. I think it’s important to think about our future, take different occupations for example, the way of executing the work will may change. Instead of actually doing the work, the workday will consist more of using different devices that do the work for us. On the other hand, the technology are developing very quick these days and I don’t think this will continue for forever. If it did, what are we going to do if the net shuts down sometime? According to that I neither think it is a way back, when a new device have been developed and are out on the market, people buy it and this will be a part of their life. If we suddenly stop producing, it will cause many problems.

Nevertheless, the technology have caused an addiction. If I look around at the mall, on the train, on the bus or at school, I will see people looking at their phone, iPad or pc. Take the phone as an example, this is something you carry around in your pocket all day and almost sleeps by your bed. This were you have all your plans for the week (shopping list, meetings at work, etc.), it’s your way of contacting other people (texting, chatting and calling), it’s were you have all the fun games that you play when you’re bored, you have the handy apps that helps you exercise, cook, etc. and were you play your music. Just think about losing your phone, then you have lost half of your life and the feeling when reach for your phone in your pocket and it isn’t there, can be described as heart attack, I have experienced it.

In conclusion, I don’t think it is a smooth way back and I don’t see myself not looking at a screen throughout an entire day in the future.  So I guess the technology is the only way forward but I do think it will stop or slow down sometime. On the other hand I think the question about the society developing too quick, depends on age. For my generation it’s not a problem to keep up and not for the adults either, but it’s many older people that struggle with the simplest thing like paying a bill because they don’t know how to use a pc.  

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