onsdag 24. september 2014

Today I've seen to videos about the English Language, and now I'm going to write 5 sentences about them.
  • The English language is becoming one of the biggest languages in the world, in fact one-third of the world's books is released in English and songs are written in English in almost every country in the world. 
  • In the process of making the language they weren't making up the words, but they were stealing them from different countries around the world.
  • Around 2000 words in English is actually from the vikings and they have absorbed around 10 000 words from the normans.
  • English is a very well used langugae when it comes to work, many firms are international and worldwide and they use English in the everyday work.
  • Very many is learning English, its actually more people that learns English and have it as a second language than the number of people that have it as their first language.

onsdag 10. september 2014


Walking along a dirt-road
is like
walking through your life
you may stumble on some bumps


onsdag 3. september 2014

Task 1

I chose the quote:
"When you teach your son, you teach your son's son."
 -Quentin Crisp
I think this quote is important because it tells us that the generations continues. Everything you do during the prosess of raising your child will be remembered by he or she if they're old enough. For him or her, you're their rolemodel and they will copy everything you do. The way you teach your child to behave, will most likely be carried through to the next generation of your family.

If you look at this in a really big perspective, you are participating to form the future people wich are going to take care of the world after you.


mandag 1. september 2014

Our trip to Jotunheimen

Our clas went to Jotunheimen last week, it was a fun trip. We went to Galdhøpiggen wich is Norway's highest mountain. We were incredibly lucky with the weather. We have also been rafting, at a museum, inside an icedrift, "Kvitskriuprestinn" were we saw some columns of glacial material  and a place called "Helvete" were we saw multiples of potholes.

Here are some pictures from the trip:
This is my friend Oda and me.

This is the columns in Kvitskriuprestene.
It was quite steep on the way up to Galdhøpiggen.
Here we were inside a pothole.