mandag 25. august 2014

Induvidual and society

I've listened to three different songs/poems:
  • "I am a Rock" by Paul Simon
  • "No man is an Island" by John Donne
  • "You'll never walk alone" by Rogers and Hammerstein 
And now I'll compare them:
I think that "No man is an Island" and "You'll never walk alone" is quite similar. The songs/poems contains the subject of always having someone by your side. Also that you can't do everything on your own but need help and support.

My opinion of "No man is an Island" is that we're not just induviduals but need to stay together and cooperate. We can't just think of our selves but the results of what we do to each other.
"You'll never walk alone" is telling us that we always have someone by your side no matter what, you can always find someone that supports you.
The song "I'm a Rock" is very different from the two others, the message from this song is that relationship causes a lot of problems, very often more problems than goods. A sentence from the song, "If I never loved, I never would have cried" so the advice is just to stay away from relationships, then you don't ever need be sad or cry again. Something that I don't agree with.